Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010

If you would like to open your studio doors to students, contact the ADCNJ Educational Council.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paul Kiesche is President of Paul Kiesche Design and an ADCNJ Board Member.
© Copyright Paul Kiesche 2010, All rights reserved.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

View from Behind the Desk:
Insight to Managing Up and Down
During the course of a career, you may cross the paths of many managers and many management styles. This undoubtedly will have an affect on the development of your own management style as one progresses through ranks from a sole contributing designer to creative director.
There are those that whose style is to solely focus on managing up – where the emphasis is on their manager and their manager’s expectations. While these type of individuals tend to make their bosses very happy, the management of the their staff is typically relegated to any information passed down is on a need-to-know basis. The staff is generally uninformed to current events that occur within the studio or firm, beyond the tasks specifically assigned to them. Team moral tends to suffer as well.
Then you have managers who primary goal is to make their staff happy and earn their trust. While the effort is quite noble, it can be a challenge to balance managing your job, the staff’s workflow and the personalities of the team. There is also the potential to end up in that large, yet uncomfortable grey area of being the friend versus the manager. Additionally, your job isn’t going to get any easier if you do not have an open dialogue with the person who manages you -- so I would suggest you keep the resume updated.
That said, strive to strike a balance between open dialogue with your management and your staff. Ideally, you want to ensure your manager is aware of any issues or challenges with your staff and that you have a firm grip of the short- and long-term business goals. You also want your staff to be well informed of the challenges that you and the firm encounter on a daily basis.
Here are some key items to keep in mind:
Managing Up
Ensure your manager is aware of how you are working with your staff, both project and personnel related. You should try to cover accomplishments (the good) as well as challenges (the bad) and guard against becoming judgmental on what is or isn’t an issue.
Be solutions oriented; discuss challenges you are having and how you are managing through them. You want to avoid putting your manager in a position where they will have to micro-manage your issues.
Managing Down
Set up frequent one-on-one meeting with your staff. Take the time to set up and schedule reoccurring appointments, avoiding the spur of the moment or last minute meetings. You want your staff to see that you are setting aside time to check in with them.
Make it clear that this is their meeting and they should come prepared (including bringing a note pad!). You want them to be prepared to discuss work, projects, design (general topics) or personal growth. Encourage them to bring in samples or articles that they find interesting. You really want to avoid doing all of the talking for what is essentially their time. For these one-on-one meetings your primary role is to listen first, then share your thoughts.
Encourage your staff to be solutions oriented as well. They should feel comfortable discussing their challenges, but they need to think through potential solutions. You must keep in mind that your staff is responsible for their career growth and development – you (as the manager) are here to assist them in reaching their goals.
Close the meeting with an update of the projects you are working on. Do not assume your staff is fully aware of your daily workload. Chances are, they might know about half of the projects or initiatives you’re supporting.
Transparency goes along way toward making your job easier. Ensuring communication flows above and below you can really benefit team morale and your own job satisfaction.
Peter Napp is the Design Director at Black Rock and an ADCNJ Board Member. You can read more about Peter in the Winter Edition of the ADCNJ Newsletter, visit www.adcnj.org and download the latest issue. © Copyright Peter Napp 2010, All rights reserved.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I Heart My Designer
Valentine’s Day is traditionally celebrated with flowers and chocolate, but if you have a designer in your life you may want to break from tradition. Try surprising them with one of these $100 or less gift ideas, that will keep you in their hearts all year round.
The Alphabet Business Card Case is a sleek and sophisticated cardholder that is destined to make any typophile smile. The silver-toned case holds 15 cards and can be personalized with a message on the back at no charge. $37.30 (http://tinyurl.com/ye3ndd6).
The Retro 51 pen company created a must have for every designer, the Sherpa. The Sherpa creates a unique opportunity to look stylish even when writing with a Sharpie! It encases all types of disposable pens and markers and comes in 16 distinct designs each with their own unique name like, “Ole Glory”, “Loose Lips” and “Hearts a Flutter.” $29.95 (www.retro51.com/fwi_sherpa.html)
Letter Links are unique and stylish cufflinks assembled from authentic vintage typewriter keys. The handmade silver links vary in font and color styles because the keys come from various typewriters. $90.00 pair (http://tinyurl.com/yfqozto)
Create a gift basket with items designers love, such as a subscription to a design magazine like Print $40.00 (www.printmag.com), Communication Arts $53.00 (www.commarts) or How magazine $29.96 (www.howdesign.com). Also, a book that focuses on the designer’s expertise is always a welcome gift (www.crescenthillbooks.com), and add a gift card or coffee from Starbucks (www.starbucks.com) with a cool ceramic mug, $10.27 (http://tinyurl.com/yam3k3e) and your designer will enjoy hours of inspiration thanks to you! You can also include in your basket the USB “Real Thumb Drive” $20.00 (http://tinyurl.com/6xjzmw). This 4 GB storage is a humorous way for your designer to carry information back and forth.
Valentine’s Day is next Sunday, so don’t forget ordering online may take several days. Enjoy the gifts and your loved ones - Happy Valentine’s Day!
Do you have any suggestions for a Valentine’s Day gift for designers? Email me at ana@anapaularodrigues.com.
Ana Rodrigues is an Art Director at Nielsen Business Media and an ADCNJ Board Member.
© Copyright Ana Paula Rodrigues 2010, All rights reserved.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Apple’s iPad
The anticipation is over as Apple unveiled the iPad last Thursday in San Francisco. With Steve Jobs at the helm, the Apple CEO and cheerleader introduced the world to what some described as an “iPhone on steroids.”
The iPad’s sleek design has a 10-inch LED backlit touch screen and only weighs in at 1.5 pounds – less then many hard cover books. Some of the standard features associated with the iPhone are also compatible to the iPad, such as the 140,000+ apps available for purchase in the app store, and Internet and e-mail access. Also, the iPad comes with built-in speakers that support the iPod and iTunes functions.
The new iBook app mimics the natural interaction between a human and a book, and the iBook e-reader is in color — not something offered by other e-book readers currently on the market. Unfortunately for the Kindle and the Barnes and Noble, “Nook,” the iBook app will give them a run for their money. The Apple Insider (appleinsider.com) reported online that, “First-year sales predictions range from 1 million to 4 million, with potential for growth even further as the market expands."
The iBook isn’t just for books, the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal (http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/sanjose) reported that Steve Wozniak, Apple Inc.’s co-founder stated that, “he was "only guessing" about the impact of the new device but said he thought it would be "a cool way" to subscribe to magazines and newspapers in the future.” With the publishing industry in disarray, this can be a promising business venture.
The iPad was the topic of many discussions in blogs and on Facebook and Twitter. The excitement over the iPad was apparent, but so was the apprehension. The long list of pros and cons could sway a weary consumer either way, but the name iPad is a con in which Jobs will not live down. First, the obvious reference to feminine hygiene products – enough said — and secondly, other companies, like Fujitsu who applied for a trademark earlier in the decade, may lay claim to the name iPad. PC World’s (www.pcworld.com) Sarah Jacobsson reported online that, “While Apple and Fujitsu battle it out, there are other products using the semi-trademarked name "iPad" — including a padded bra by Canadian lingerie company Coconut Grove Intimates, motors and engines by German technology company Siemens, and a tablet computer by ST Microelectronics."
One of the pros of the device is how Apple took interest in the environmental implications of creating the iPad. Ted Samson, editor at InfoWorld (www.infoworld.com) noted, “The device is free of toxic substances such as arsenic, BFR, and mercury, as well as PVC. The enclosure is made of recyclable aluminum and glass. Moreover, Jobs praised the device as being "highly recyclable," which suggests it's easy to dismantle and its parts can be handily reused or separated and disposed of in a safe manner.”
The Apple machine will undoubtedly market the iPad in the next few months with the creativity we’ve come to expect — but will that be enough to secure iPad’s success? Even with the price starting at $499 (through $829) will the post-recession consumer succumb to Apple’s advances? Advances that are marked with iPad’s lack of Flash support, USB drive and camera or video capabilities? Only time will tell if the apple will ripen sweet in the spring of April 2010.
What are your thoughts about the iPad? Email me at ana@anapaularodrigues.com
Ana Rodrigues is an Art Director at Nielsen Business Media and an ADCNJ Board Member.
© Copyright Ana Paula Rodrigues 2010, All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Thinking Creatively" Conference Celebrates
the World of Design
All ADCNJ members have something to look forward to: the seventh "Thinking Creatively" Design Conference, which is a two-day event featuring dozens of presentations that promote and celebrate the value of creative thinking in the workplace and beyond.
Held on Friday, April 16, 2010, and Saturday, April 17, 2010, at Kean University in Union, New Jersey, this year's "Thinking Creatively" Conference is a special edition. The Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA) will hold their annual, regional conference concurrently with the "Thinking Creatively" Conference.
That means that all "Thinking Creatively" attendees will gain access to IDSA presentations, as well as benefit from IDSA members who will attend the main-stage events, breakout sessions, and networking activities organized by The Design Center at Kean University and the ADCNJ. It also means a significant increase in attendees expected this year.
Of special note: A charette (which is a short, intensive working session to create a solution for a specific design problem) will be organized for professionals and students. Charettes are held for "sport," fun, and intellectual stimulation. Sponsored by The Gruskin Group (www.gruskingroup.com), prizes will be awarded to the winners of the charette.
Other highlights include the following offerings: Pantone is helping to support the networking event on Friday, and the Kean University Alumni Asociation is making arrangements for a Disney Imagineer to lead an event following the networking event. In addition, a panel discussion on the state of design will include reporters from Fast Company, Business Week, and Metropolis.
"As always, Thinking Creatively hosts and provides world-class speakers and presentations, fun, goodies, and intellectual refreshment," said Rose GOnnella, ADCNJ Board Member and Professor at Kean University who has taken a leadership role in orchestrating this conference. "We believe it's important to provide affordable access to a major event for design professionals and students that is on par with other world-class conferences. We want to deliver an interactive, thoughtfully rich, and professionally focused conference to inspire us all."
"This conference is an excellent opportunity for professional enrichment," added Robert Ryan, ADCNJ President of President of CMYK Printing. "Now in its seventh year, this event has developed a strong reputation for bringing together some of the best and brightest creative professionals in the world of design. THe ADCNJ is delighted to work with The Design Center at Kean University to make this conference a source of inspiration for creative professionals."
To learn more and register for this "Thinking Creatively" Conference, visit www.thinkingcreatively.org or www.adcnj.org or call 201-997-1212. Come and explore the world of design at the "Thinking Creatively" Design Conference!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project Never is a free awards competition created by graphic designers for graphic designers. Thousands of effective designs die each day – often for good reason. At the same time, successful designers and agencies generate many worthy ideas for each project or campaign, only one of which gets chosen for wider audiences. Project Never honors the most creative design concept that never reached production.
Anyone may submit, as long as the design concepts were developed between January 1, 2009 and February 19, 2010. Submissions must be projects, designs, or concepts that were proposed, but not mass-produced for an executed campaign. The deadline is February 19, 2010, for more information visit
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Designing Resolutions for 2010
The New Year is upon us and before the excitement wears off and routine sets in, why not take time to establish some design goals, as well as new and healthy habits. These should focus on expanding your abilities as a designer as well as an artist, while stretching and challenging your creative muscles. Now is the perfect time to establish good habits that will continue to enrich your life for the next few months. Here are a few ideas to help you get started down the creative path in 2010.
Learn a New Program. If you’ve been procrastinating now is the time to challenge yourself. You can take a class, read a tutorial or learn online. Make sure to set deadlines especially if you are learning the program on your own. This will help keep you on track.
Volunteer Your Time. Choose a not-for-profit organization that you would like to support and volunteer. Since the economy has not fully recovered many of these organizations, especially the smaller not-for-profits are struggling and grateful for any assistance.
Leave the Office. Finding the time to get away from the office may be difficult, but you need to take a break. Even if it’s for an hour go to a park, explore museums and neighborhoods or attend an event. Your “mini-vacation” will help elevate the creative mind as your senses are exposed to new environments. Don’t forget to bring a notebook and camera in case you’re struck with inspiration along the way.
Go Green. Figure out ways to reduce your imprint on the environment by going green. Simple things like walking to work, using a ceramic mug or metal utensils, or making your invoicing paperless will reduce your impact and help Mother Earth stay healthy.
What are your resolutions for the new year? Email me at ana@anapaularodrigues.com
Ana Paula Rodrigues is an Art Director at Nielsen Business Media and an ADCNJ Board Member.
© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010

"What can the ADCNJ do for me?" That's a question that creative professionals who work and/or live in New Jersey ask themselves. And the ADCNJ is making it easy for you by bringing together individuals with a passion for the world of design and a sense of adventure for an evening of exploration- in what we're calling ADCNJ Nights.
ADCNJ leaders will introduce you to ADCNJ events, ADCNJ committees, current areas of interest, and most importantly, listen to any ideas you have for building a stronger organization. The brainstorming session generating ideas and specific topics for ADCNJ programs for the coming year will be the finale of this relaxed gathering.
As an added incentive to attend, each ADCNJ Night will be kicked off with one of a series of Shorts- a 30-minute presentation, demonstration, or discussion hosted by professionals in our field. Shorts will feature a wide range of topics, and give everyone the chance to learn something new, explore relevant topics, or perhaps just be wowed by some of the excellent work that is being produced in the world of design. For our first Shorts presentation, All-State Legal will showcase the fine art of engraving - regarded by many to be finest way to set ink to paper - detailing the extraordinary benefits it offers to designers.
And if that is still not enough to entice you out of a nice warm place on a frosty January night, we are showing our Tops too! Members will use tabletop space to display their stuff - bring your laptop / display boards / collateral materials / business cards. Reverse the process and bring a design dilemma or challenge - we'll find you a 'spot' of help!
We need everyone's participation to make ADCNJ Nights a success.
Our goal is to further the sense of community and camaraderie that the ADCNJ offers us, its members. But without each other, we can't do that. So what can the ADCNJ do for you? Let's find out together.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Kean Hall (Room 127) at Kean University
1000 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083
Admission is free of charge for Members.
Guests by invitation only - contact ADCNJ for details, 201-997-1212 or email info@adcnj.org.
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The 47th Annual Art Directors Club
of New Jersey Call for Entries
The most prestigious design competition in New Jersey is now accepting entries. All work created between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009 is eligible. Download the entry form at www.adcnj.org, the deadline is February 12th 2010. Good luck!